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Participatory action research conducted by sixth-grade students in Negril  concluded that many more trees than could possibly fit in their schoolyard were needed to offset their classroom's carbon footprint. In fact, the trees in the schoolyard made up for less than 17% of their classroom's carbon footprint These results are behind the rationale for a tree nursery in Negril.

It's the community's turn to take charge: volunteers are required for every step of the way. Once we reach a reasonable number of volunteers to get the job done, we can engage in the process of establishing a tree nursery invested with an overarching educational purpose. 


Restoring coastal vegetation can mitigate the impact of climate change on human lives and livelihoods. Constructing a coastal buffer zone composed of endemic vegetation can protect from storm surges, capture land-based pollution, provide a noise barrier and enhance sustainability. 

Many oceanfront proprietors share concerns about climate-induced sea level rise and increased storm activity,

If you live by he seashore in Negril, you are invited to participate in mapping the potential for coastal restoration which will serve as the basis for submitting a  proposal to the National Environment and Planning Agency of Jamaica (NEPA).


 Water quality monitoring is part of the planning phase in restoration projects. Measuring the ecological, physical and hydrological parameters of water determines what corrective measures need to be taken. Testing the waters in Negril is a citizen science project that targets land-based pollution and focuses on the most impacted areas on the coast of Negril. The first step consists of performing a visual assessment of the waters and banks. Preliminary screening is conducted by taking photographs and recording observations - either from the shore or the water - to discern affected areas in need of further monitoring. Volunteers then upload  their data on the website by using the link below.


Negril's environment has degraded rapidly over the past few years, mostly due to tourism and coastal development, destructive fishing practices and unsustainable hillside agriculture. The call for coastal restoration in Negril requires an assessment of traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) in order to assist environmental improvement efforts. Tourism exports and imports culture at an increased rate, which promulgates a two-way global exchange of knowledge that may influence TEK erosion. The process of modernization decreases traditional plant knowledge as well. A survey intended for Negril residents attempts to  find out more about TEK in Negril, for instance how it is transmitted in the community and affected by  urbanization. 


 With participatory action research (PAR), communities initiate environmental improvement, which in turn fuels more initiatives in the same direction. The empowerment obtained, the critical thinking developed through observation and reflection, as well as the alliances with policymakers and stakeholders, encourage advocacy. In PAR, environment is the partner all others try to decipher. 

Participatory action research geared towards sustainability can find solutions to stop impacting so heavily on the environment, and the ever-growing community of researchers composes a force capable of pressuring industry into listening. With like-minded community members, initiate your own research on local environmental concerns.


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